Sharing Your Waiver
When you sign up for WaiverFile, you will receive your own unique web address, (e.g. This address can be shared via email, text or on your website. In addition, we provide a series of share buttons that you can use to embed or link your form on your website.
To see the share button options, go to your admin dashboard, and select Customize >> Share Buttons.
On this page, you will see a list of different sharing options. Each one has its own HTML code snippet that you can use on your website.

Embedding a waiver on your website
One of the options is "Embed in your own website". Click on this one to get the code. Before using the code, you need to add the URL to your website to the box on the right and save the settings. This is done for security purposes so other websites cannot embed your form.
Sometimes, depending on your website host, you may find that the form does not appear. If you run into this or any other issues, please contact support and we can assist you in any additional updates that may be needed.