Please read this Agreement carefully and be aware that your initials and signature indicates that you fully understand that by using the facilities and equipment of the Sunland Estates Homeowners’ Association Park and Pool facilities ("SEHA"), you will be waiving and releasing any and all claims for injuries you sustain or may sustain arising out of, relating to, or connected with your use of the park, racket courts, and pool facilities and equipment and/or participation in fitness activities (collectively the "SEHA Facilities").

Warning of Risk:  Activities involving the use of the SEHA Facilities carry significant risk of sustaining injuries including but not limited to injuries arising from slippery surfaces, foreign objects in the pool, on the racket courts and other general hazards associated with swimming and use of tennis courts, park and pool facilities and equipment.  These hazards carry with them the risk of both minor and serious injury up to and including death by drowning.  Proper attire, swimming ability, and safe behavior are required.  You are responsible for understanding you and your guest(s) own capabilities and limitations with respect to swimming and use of the SEHA Facilities. 

Release from Liability:  In consideration of the SEHA Facilities, and in recognition of the possible perils of the use of such facilities, I, for myself and my heirs, executors, administrators, legal guardians or representatives, assigns, and agents, do hereby release SEHA and its agents, officers, employees, and assigns from any and all liability for injuries sustained arising from, relating to, and/or connected with the  use of such facilities and equipment, and waive any and all claims which I, my heirs, executors, administrators, legal guardians or representatives, assigns, and agents may have against SEHA and/or its agents, officers, employees, and assigns, arising out of, connected with, or relating to my heirs, executors, administrators, legal guardians or representatives, assigns, and agents use of the SEHA Facilities.

I understand and am fully aware that swimming and/or the recreational use of the SEHA Facilities are potentially hazardous activities.  I also understand that swimming activities involve a risk of injury and death, and that I am voluntarily participating in these activities and using the SEHA Facilities with the knowledge of the dangers involved.  I hereby agree to assume any and all risk of injury or death.

I am fully aware and understand that this is a release of liability and sign it of my own free will.  I acknowledge this is an annual waiver and must be executed each calendar year for access to the SEHA Facilities. I also acknowledge there is no and will not be any lifeguard on duty at any time during the use of the SEHA Facilities and agree that use of such facilities and equipment is solely at my risk. In addition, I agree to abide by all rules pertaining to use of the SEHA Facilities as stated in the SEHA General Rules document which is expressly incorporated by reference herein.

Minor Acknowledgement: In the case of a minor Participant, the Undersigned parent or legal guardian acknowledges that he/she is not only signing this Agreement on his/her behalf, but that he/she is also signing on behalf of the minor and that the minor shall be bound by all the terms of this Agreement. Additionally, by signing this Agreement as the parent or legal guardian of a minor, the parent or legal guardian understands that he/she is also waiving rights on behalf of the minor that the minor otherwise may have. The Undersigned parent or legal guardian agrees that, but for the foregoing, the minor would not be permitted to participate in the Activity. By signing this Agreement without a parent or legal guardian’s signature, Participant, under penalty of fraud, represents that he/she is at least 18 years of age. If signing as the parent or guardian of a minor Participant, signing adults represent that they are a legal parent or

Indemnification and Hold Harmless.  The Undersigned agrees to indemnify SEHA and to hold SEHA harmless from all claims, causes of action and money damages resulting from the undersigned's use or my minor participant's use, of the SEHA Facilities.

Electronic Delivery and Signature.  Electronic delivery or signature of documents including transmission by facsimile, email or other form of electronic acknowledgement that a party is agreeing to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall be legally sufficient to bind all parties the same as delivery of an original. At the request of any party to this Agreement the parties will replace electronically delivered signatures or acknowledgements with original documents.  The parties acknowledge that an electronic signature or other electronic acknowledgement or agreement to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement in electronic form has the same legal effect as handwritten signature.

Who will be participating?

Adult  Adult and Children  

Signee Information

By clicking 'I Agree' below, you agree that you have read and agree with the terms of the waiver and that the information you provided is accurate. You furthermore agree that your submission of this form, via the 'I Agree' button, shall constitute the execution of this document in exactly the same manner as if you had signed, by hand, a paper version of this agreement.