The Sojourn Collegiate Ministry (SCM) Camp Sojourn is an opportunity for students to learn more about Sojourn & have a fun weekend. SCM holds its activities at Camp Wingate*Kirkland at 79 White Rock Rd, Yarmouth Port, MA 02675. All participants (staff, students, and volunteers) participating in the activities of this ministry will be expected to be involved in all activities, adhere to the Trip Expectations, and to respect the people we service and partner with on the trip. Participants will be involved in (but will not be limited to) physical service projects, community dialogues, and other activities determined by the group leader. The scope of all projects will be within the capability of the participants. These activities may include the use of hand tools and the handling of materials and supplies. Power tools will only be used if the individual has the necessary skills to handle the power tool appropriately. Participants are never forced or required to engage in any work or activity in which they feel they are not able to participate in safely. Participants are expected to follow all guidelines of participation, philosophies, and expectations set by SCM, it's staff, and the group leader. Participants understand that photos and video may be taken during the course of the week that may be used by SCM in the future promotion of our ministries and programs. We acknowledge that every effort has been made in preparing the participants for this experience. We, therefore, release Sojourn Collegiate Ministry, Inc., its agents, employees, and any and all persons connected therein from any and all liability, claims, and causes of action of any type whatsoever arising out of or in any way connected with participation in the activities of the Sojourn Collegiate Ministry Camp Sojourn.
Further, consent/permission is given for (signed participant) to be treated by competent medical personnel in the event of an accident or medical emergency and to receive reasonable medical treatment as deemed necessary by a licensed physician. In the event treatment is called for which a physician and/or other professional healthcare providers in the hospital/clinic refuses to administer without my consent, I hereby authorize Sojourn Collegiate Ministry to give such consent for me in the event that I am unable to give consent for myself. If in the event it becomes necessary for either of the identified persons to give consent for me, I agree to hold such person free and harmless from any claims, demands, or suits for damages arising from giving such consent.
I understand that SCM accepts proof of personal insurance or acknowledgment of financial responsibility for all medical expenses. I agree that my insurance company will be used for all necessary medical expenses and am aware that I may be billed by the medical provider for any medical expenses not covered by my personal insurance policy and will be responsible for payment of those expenses.
TRIP Expectations include but are not limited to...
1. Represent Sojourn well.
2. Be Respectful of the group leaders, other participants, and the partners-groups we work with.
3. Do not bring, acquire or use drugs, alcohol, or other illegal items on the trip or acquire, use, share drugs/medications that are legal without prior approval of a group leader.
4. Do not leave the premises or activities of the group without permission from a group leader.
5. Sojourn is not responsible for your money, phones, computers, other electronics, personal items, etc. on the trip.
**Please note**: If expectations are broken, disregarded, or dismissed by any participants and it is deemed by the group leader(s) you are not able to continue on with the group you will be sent home immediately at your own expense. I have read and understood all trip expectations and information. I understand and comply with all trip expectations and understand that if expectations are not met I may be sent home immediately at my own expense