Whittington Center Waiver

NRA Whittington Center

Note: Prior to entering NRA Whittington Center property, this waiver MUST be read and completed and presented to a Whittington Center representative.

Important: Including your email address will expedite your reservations and check-in, however it is not required.
Please do not enter a false email address; simply leave that space blank if you do not wish to include email. Thank you.



The undersigned Whittington Center ("Center") visitor ("Visitor"), in consideration of being permitted to enter the Center and/or to engage in certain activities at the Center, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged, agrees to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

Visitor, on behalf of him or herself and his or her minor child, if applicable (individually and collectively, "Visitor Party") hereby expressly understands and assumes full responsibility of the risk of any Visitor Party's presence at or use of the Center, including but not limited to the discharge of firearms and the firing of live ammunition, and Visitor Party's presence at or participation in any events or activities at the Center.

Visitor, on behalf of him or herself and his or her minor child, if applicable, waives for each Visitor Party and his or her executors, administrators, assigns, spouse, heirs, and next of kin, any and all rights, causes of action and/or claims for injuries, damages, losses, costs, expenses, demands, and any other actions whatsoever (including but not limited to any and all injuries, death, damages, or illnesses suffered by any Visitor Party), which the Visitor or any Visitor Party may have or which may in the future arise against the National Rifle Association of America ("NRA") and/or the Center which may, in any way whatsoever, arise out of or be related to the Center or any Visitor Party's presence at or use of the Center, including any Visitor Party's presence at or participation in any events or activities at the Center.

Visitor agrees to release, indemnify, hold harmless, and defend the NRA and the Center and any of their employees, directors, trustees, officers, or agents from any and all fault, liabilities, costs, expenses, claims, demands, lawsuits, or any other actions whatsoever arising out of or related to Visitor's or any Visitor Party's presence at or use of the Center, including Visitor's or any Visitor Party's presence at or participation in any events or activities at the Center.

Visitor irrevocably consents to and authorizes the use and reproduction at any time by NRA and the Center and its assigns, of any and all photographs or electronic images taken of the Visitor or any Visitor Party, with or without names, for any use, including, promotion, advertising, composite or distorted representations, or any other purpose whatsoever, and waives any claim or right arising out of such use, publication, or reproduction, including any right of privacy.

Visitor agrees that any action or legal proceeding arising out of or in any way relating to this Agreement, the Center, or any Visitor Party's presence at or use of the Center, including any Visitor Party's presence at or participation in any events or activities at the Center, shall be governed by and construed under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia without regard to conflict of law principles. It is agreed that any such action or legal proceeding shall be brought exclusively in a court situated in the County of Fairfax, the County of Prince William, or the City of Alexandria, in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Visitor consents to and subjects him or herself to the personal jurisdiction of such courts and agree that jurisdiction and venue for any proceeding arising hereunder shall lie exclusively with such courts.

Visitor further agrees to comply with all Center property use policies, including Smoking Policy (no indoor smoking, $250 fine for each violation) and Pet Policy (pets on leash; owners responsible for damage and cleanup). Visitor agrees to comply with all fire bans in effect at time of visit. Visitor understands that maximum speed in campgrounds is 10 MPH and 25 to 35 MPH on other Center roads, and that they may be asked to leave in case of any violation.

Visitors agree to comply with all Center Range Rules, including designated ammunition use and orders of Range Safety personnel. Ranges close at sundown. Full automatic weapons are not allowed without written permission from the Executive Director. Armor piercing (including ‘Green tip'), incendiary or explosive ammunition and devices, to include explosive targets, are prohibited. The Center reserves the right to deny access to any person.

In the event that any part or provision of this Agreement is declared invalid, unenforceable or void to any extent by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this Agreement and the application thereof shall not be affected thereby but rather shall be enforced to the greatest extent permitted by law.

This instrument binds the Visitor and his or her minor child or children, if applicable, and the executors, administrators, assignees or heirs thereof. In order to assure the safety of all visitors and participants, I agree to read, and adhere to, ALL posted signs, to include, but not limited to: no trespassing, hiking, or driving areas clearly marked.


Date: Friday, March 28, 2025 


Who will be participating?

Adult  Adult and Children  

Signee Information

* Optional:

Create a password to save time and auto-fill your information on your next visit!

By clicking 'I Agree' below, you agree that you have read and agree with the terms of the waiver and that the information you provided is accurate. You furthermore agree that your submission of this form, via the 'I Agree' button, shall constitute the execution of this document in exactly the same manner as if you had signed, by hand, a paper version of this agreement.