Parent/Player Contract
1. We will be positive and refrain from any public negativity towards athletes, coaches, and parents in the Vortex Volleyball Club or other Competing Clubs. This includes all social media.
2. We agree to handle all issues observing the 24-hour rule. If you have any complaints or issues concerning your player or her coach, you are expected to wait until a period of 24 hours after the practice or tournament before confronting your coach. If you feel your issue was not resolved, you may then request a meeting with the Coaching Director and Assistant Coaching DIrector. Coach Grant Lange will then be contacted to assist in handling the conflict. A 5 minute meeting would then be set up with the club owner for a final resolution if not previously handled. Please do not contact the club owner directly.
3. We understand that participation in practice and tournaments is instrumental to the development of each player and their team. We also understand that time lost in practice may lead to playing time lost in tournaments.
4. We understand that our athletes may have schedule conflicts either with school, family, or school sports which may prevent them from attending every practice. All athletes will be allowed 4 study days during the season to miss a practice without making it up. We understand that we have some multisport athletes, and they may need to miss practices. If you miss practice more than the 4 mentioned above, these dates will need to be made up by scheduling a training lesson. Make these arrangements with your coach.
5. We understand that if a practice is going to be missed, we will notify the coach immediately.
6. We promise to review our team schedule and notify the coach immediately if any tournaments will be missed. We expect all athletes to only miss events for school-related reasons as they are making a commitment to not only Vortex Volleyball, but also to their teammates. In the case of a multisport athlete the coach must know your schedule as soon as possible so that arrangements can be made if tournaments are going to be missed.
7. We understand that playing time is determined by the Head Coach of your team. We may not agree with it, but it is their responsibility to do what is best for all players and the team.
8. We will never approach a line judge, official or scorekeeper before, during or after a match. This includes no yelling about your perception of a call or the score at the table.
9. Parents and cell phones, etc. are NEVER allowed at a scorer’s table. Players must focus on their duties.
10. We will abide by all USAV/JVA/SRVA, Team, facility, and Tournament Guidelines.
11. 75% of payments must be made by January 1st, and the full payment must be completed by February 1st.
12. There will be no refunds issued after the start of the season unless it is due to injury or illness related to the athlete or family members. You will be issued a partial refund depending on the length of the athlete's season up to their exit from the club.
Parent Signature:Sign Here Date: 01/15/2025
Additional For Athletes:
1. I understand that practice start time means I am present at least 15 mins before practice.
2. I will wear a Vortex Volleyball shirt or a shirt matching Vortex colors to all practices.
3. I will give my best effort not only for myself but for my coach and teammates.
4. I will be coachable and support my teammates even when I am not in the drill, scrimmage, or match. A poor attitude toward yourself, teammates, or coach will result in reduced playing time.
5. I will make sure ALL water bottles and trash are cleaned up at the end of practice even if it is not mine.
6. I will participate in all position training and conditioning provided by Vortex Volleyball along with keeping healthy eating and sleeping habits. We encourage all athletes to seek extra practice time, when possible, to continue improving their individual skills.
7. I understand that tournament time is TEAM time. I will get to know my teammates, and I will also not isolate myself with electronics. Teammates must travel in groups of 2 or more when going to a separate area at a tournament. Coaches must always be notified if players are leaving the general area of tournament play.
8. I will abide by all parts of the Code of Conduct. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action or removal from the club.
Player Signature: Sign HereDate: 01/15/2025
*As part of the Vortex Volleyball family, photos of athletes may be used on Vortex Volleyball Club’s website, social media sites and literature.
Parents Initials: Initial Here