Trail Ride Waiver

Registering for Troop 1132 Kim Robinson - 09/22/2024 1:00 PM-3:00 PM Change

Tower Hill StablesTrail Riding Liability Waiver

This agreement entered into as a precondition of renting and/or riding horses upon trails operated by Tower Hill Stables., here in after referred to as T.H.S., is for the purpose of stating the rules, responsibilities, and dangers, of horseback riding; and further, inasmuch as horseback riding is a dangerous sport, holding harmless T.H.S., its employees, volunteers, indemnifying companies and their agents and underwriters, and anyone over whose land the trails may be ridden, from any legal action or damages that may arise as a result of renter/rider, and/or animals being upon aforesaid trails, or roads adjacent thereto; and patron further agrees to abide by all rules and conditions of T.H.S. and agrees to follow all verbal instructions of T.H.S., its employees, and volunteers.


1. Each rider takes full responsibility for his/her safety while riding on trails operated by T.H.S. and will not hold T.H.S., its employees, volunteers, indemnifyingcompanies and their agents and underwriters, and anyone over whose land the trails may be ridden, responsible for any arm or injury incurred while upon saidtrails access to trails or roadways adjacent thereto.

2. T.H.S. DOES NOT guarantee the behavior of any horse, function of equipment, or the condition of any trails or property ridden upon.

3. The person listed above agrees to take full responsible care of all horses by following instructions, obeying ALL posted and verbal rules given in the pre-ridetalk, and staying with his/her group in the order assigned.

4. Allowed speeds are walk only.

5. Do not let your horse eat or drink on the trails unless given permission by the guide.

6. A trail guide must accompany all riders

7. For safety reasons persons under 18 years of age are required to wear a helmet at all times when riding a T.H.S. horse.

8. I understand if I am 18 or older I have access to a riding helmet if I choose to wear one.

9. All persons riding upon the aforesaid trails shall report any hazards or injury of any type to T.H.S. Immediately upon incident or notice.

10. Mounting and dismounting shall not be done without the assistance of a T.H.S. employee or volunteer.

11. All riders/renters/participants agree to pay all attorney fees and related court cost incurred by both them and T.H.S. should they elect to enter into civil litigationor any other form of recourse against T.H.S.

12. This Release/Waiver of Liability shall be binding upon the heirs, next of kin, executors, administrators and personal representatives of the undersigned.WHEREAS, the UNDERSIGNED acknowledges the inherent risks involved in riding and working around horses, which risks include bodily injury from using, riding orbeing in close proximity to horses, among other risks, and further, that both horse and rider can be injured in normal use or in competition and schooling:IN CONSIDERATION, therefore, for the privilege of riding and/or working around horses at Tower Hill Stables, the undersigned does hereby agree to hold harmlessand indemnify Tower Hill Stables, itʼs agents, employees and further release them from any liability of responsibility for accident, damage, injury, or illness to theUndersigned or any horse owned by the Undersigned or to any family member or spectator accompanying the Undersigned while on the premises of Tower Hill Stables. Ishall bring no claims, demands, actions, and causes of action, and/or litigation, against this stable for any economic and non-economic losses due to bodily injury, death,and/or property damage sustained by me and/or my minor child or legal ward in relation to the premises and operations of this stables, including while riding, handling, orotherwise being near horses owned by or in the care, custody and control of this stable.I have read and understand the above agreements and have filled out the required information to the best of my knowledge and I agree to abide by all the rules andfurther agree to hold harmless T.H.S., its employees, volunteers, lessons, indemnifying companies and their agents and underwriters, and all parties over which thetrails operated by T.H.S. travel for any damages or harm which may arise as a result of me and/or animals using the facilities operated by T.H.S. Should any part ofthis contract be found to be invalid it shall not affect any other provisions in the contract. In the event of a disabling accident, I hereby specifically authorize T.H.S. andemployees thereof, to summon any and all aid it/they, at their sole discretion, deem(s) necessary for me and agree to hold T.H.S. harmless for any costs relatedthereto. In the event of an injury, I agree to assist in filing out and signing an injury report supplied by T.H.S. I further understand that under the Equine LiabilityAct: Each participant who engages in an equine activity assumes the risks of engaging in and legal responsibility for injury, loss, or damages to personor property resulting from the risks of equine activity. IL P.W.A. #89-0111.

Who will be participating?

Adult  Adult and Children  Children

Your Information

participants under 18 yrs old must wear a helmet

By clicking 'I Agree' below, you agree that you have read and agree with the terms of the waiver and that the information you provided is accurate. You furthermore agree that your submission of this form, via the 'I Agree' button, shall constitute the execution of this document in exactly the same manner as if you had signed, by hand, a paper version of this agreement.