Student Traveler Statement and Release from Liability (Parent/Guardian)



Student Traveler Statement and Release from Liability 

am a student at Southern New Hampshire University (the University) and have agreed to participate in one or more upcoming trip (each a Trip) during the ­­­­2024-2025 academic year.


My participation in a Trip is wholly voluntary. In consideration for being permitted to participate in the Trip I choose to attend; I hereby agree and represent that:


1. Standards of Conduct

a.   I agree to abide by the University student conduct regulations and by the directions of the Trip Director and his/her designee(s) at all times during a Trip.

b.  I understand that the University reserves the right to decline to retain me on a Trip at any time should my actions or general behavior, in the sole discretion of the University/Trip Leader, be determined to impede or obstruct the progress of a Trip or the welfare of any person in any way. I understand that if my participation in a Trip is terminated, I will be sent home with no refund of fees and that I will be responsible for any and all costs and expenses associated with my return to the University.

c.  I understand that if I am involved in any major violation of University policy prior to a Trip start date, I may be dismissed from participation in the Trip, in which case I will not receive a refund and will be required to reimburse any portion the University paid toward the cost of my Trip.

d.  I will attend and participate in all predetermined aspects of a Trip. I will attend all pre-Trip, on-site, and post-Trip University scheduled meetings.

e.  I understand that if I am unable to attend a Trip, I will be responsible for all non- recoverable fees incurred on my behalf by the University.

f.  I understand that I am required to stay with the Trip group at the hotel, if applicable, or in the designated preapproved destination during the Trip and that I will be required to use transportation provided by the University during the Trip (if applicable). Any travel outside of the designated preapproved destination must be preapproved by the Trip Leader. I agree that the University and its agents and employees shall have no responsibility or liability for injury, damage, or loss suffered by me during periods in which I violate this provision.

g.  I understand that visitors who are not participants in a Trip will not be allowed to accompany me in any portion of a Trip, including but not limited to travel, housing, or other activities, as applicable.

h.  If I become separated from a Trip group, fail to meet a departure vehicle, airplane, boat, or train, or become sick or injured, I will at my own expense, do everything possible to locate, contact, and rejoin the Trip group at its next available destination.

i.  If money is provided by the University for any means, I will be required to turn in all receipts and to fill out an expense report at the conclusion of the Trip. If I fail to return receipts for all money used, I will be required to repay the said money. The value of any funds received may be reported to the Internal Revenue Service and may constitute taxable income to you. SNHU cannot provide individual tax advice, so please consult a tax advisor for any questions.

j.  I realize that I am a representative of the University, and that I am to positively represent it and its interests. As a student traveler for the University, I understand that any action I make on a Trip will positively or negatively affect people’s opinions of the University.

k.  As a traveler, I will engage in behaviors which are responsible and mature. Intoxication, use of illegal substances, and abusive or inappropriate behavior, as well as behavior that disrupts the educational purpose of a Trip, may result in dismissal from the Trip. If I am asked to leave prior to the end of a Trip, I understand that I am responsible for any expenses that may be incurred which may also include any portion the organization has paid toward my Trip. No Trip refunds will be given. Upon arrival back to the University (or home), I am aware that I will be subject to applicable disciplinary procedures, as if the misconduct occurred while on campus. If I am a graduating student, I am aware that any violations of University policy and the resulting disciplinary proceedings may result in me not being able to participate in the graduation ceremony and/or Senior Week events.

l.  I understand that all the policies and procedures found in the Student Handbook apply while on a Trip. I will be fully aware of my rights and responsibilities prior to my Trip’s start date.


2.  I hereby certify that I am a duly enrolled student in good academic and social standing at the University, and I release my cumulative grade point average to the Trip Leader for verification of academic and social standing.


3. Program Changes


  I understand that the University reserves the right to change a Trip, including the itinerary, travel arrangements, or accommodations as applicable at any time and for any reason, with or without notice, and that neither the University, its employees or agents of either, shall be responsible or liable for any expenses or losses that I may sustain because of such changes.


4. Institutional Arrangement

I understand that the University does not represent or act as an agent for, and cannot control the acts or omissions of, any host institution, host family, transportation carrier, hotel, tour organizer or other provider of goods or services involved in a Trip. I understand that the University is not responsible for matters that are beyond its control. I hereby release the University from any injury, loss, damage, accident, delay, or expense arising out of any such matters.


5. Health and Safety


a.   CAMPUS STUDENTS ONLY - I have or will secure health insurance to provide adequate coverage for any injuries or illnesses that I may sustain or experience while participating in a Trip. I hereby release the University, its agents, and employees, from any responsibility or liability for expenses incurred by me for injuries or illnesses (including death) that I may incur while on a Trip.

b.   I agree that the University, through its agents and employees, may take whatever action is deemed necessary with respect to my health and safety. I authorize the University and its agents and employees to place me, at their discretion and without my further consent, in a hospital or in the care of a local doctor for medical services and treatment. I agree that I, along with my parents or guardian, will be fully responsible for any and all expenses, including transportation costs, associated with or in any way related to my medical care.

c. I understand that in order to ensure my health and safety, I should report to the Trip Leader as soon as I become aware of any physical or mental condition I have that may require special medical attention during the Trip.

d.  I acknowledge that while requests for accommodations should be made in advance of a Trip, in a timely fashion, a request for reasonable accommodation can be made at any time. Accommodation requests are to be initiated by me and will be processed according to the applicable University policies and timelines. I understand that the University may be able to provide only limited accommodations or may not be able to provide accommodations without advance notice. Even with early disclosure, it is possible that the University may be unable to provide accommodations that represent a fundamental alteration of a Trip or that will create an undue hardship. Students requiring accommodations are encouraged to disclose their needs early in the process of planning participation in a Trip by contacting the Campus/Online Accessibility Center. This will allow students sufficient time to explore the availability of accommodations prior to participation in a Trip. If additional accommodation needs arise while participating in a Trip, I agree to notify the Trip Leader and the Campus/Online Accessibility Center of my need for temporary or supplemental accommodation.


6. Assumption of Risk and Release of Claims


a.  I hereby acknowledge my awareness that my participation in a Trip may expose me to risk of property damage and bodily or personal injury, including death, and I hereby acknowledge that I am aware of the risks involved and hazards connected to each Trip, including but not limited to travel risks, and voluntarily agree to assume any and all such risks. Specific risks inherent in a Trip offered depend on the activities involved in each Trip. Students should refer to each Trip itinerary (provided by the Trip Leader) to make themselves aware of the activities involved in each Trip and the associated risks inherent in those activities, those types of travel, and the locations involved before participating in a Trip. I acknowledge that I am responsible to act reasonably and prudently with respect to matters of personal health and safety.

b.   Knowing the risks described above, and in consideration of the University’s arranging for my participation in a Trip that I choose to attend, individually and on behalf of any family, heirs, assigns, and personal representative(s), to the maximum extent permitted by law, I hereby assume these risks and release, waive, and forever discharge the University, the Board of Trustees of the University, their members individually, and their offices, trustees, agents, and employees (the “Releasees”) from liability for any and all harm, injury, claims, demands, rights, causes of action, costs, and expenses of whatever kind, arising from or by reason of any loss, damage, or injury sustained by me or caused to my property, or the consequences hereof resulting from or in any way connected with my participation in a Trip or Trips I choose to attend.

c.   This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New Hampshire and any action arising out of this Agreement shall file exclusively in the Courts of the State of New Hampshire. The terms of this Agreement shall be severable, such that if a court holds any term to be illegal, unenforceable, or in conflict with any law governing this Agreement, the validity of the remaining portions shall not be affected thereby.


7. Emergency Contact Information

      Provide a list of people to be contacted regarding your status in the event of an accident or emergency. You must sign and date this form authorizing the release of information to your contacts listed below. Should this information change at any time throughout the Academic Year, please contact Public Safety at 603-645-9700 with the updated information.





  I hereby certify that I am an enrolled student in good academic and social standing and I release my grade point average to the Trip Leader and acknowledge my consent for the Trip Leader to confer with the Office of Student Affairs and/or Office of Dispute Resolution regarding my social standing in order to enable the Trip Leader, in its sole discretion, to determine my suitability for each Trip.


I hereby acknowledge that I have read, understand, and will abide by the terms and conditions of this Agreement.


I the Participant will not  be 18  years  of  age  or  older  by  the  date  of  signing hereon, this Agreement also must be signed by the parent or guardian.


I (a) am the parent or legal guardian of the above Participant, (b) have read the foregoing Agreement (including such parts as may subject me to personal financial responsibility and assumption of risk), (c) am and will be legally responsible for the obligations and acts of the Participant as described in this Agreement, and (d) agree, for myself and for the Participant, to be bound by its terms.


Signee Information

Student I.D. Number

Student Name


Insurance Information CAMPUS STUDENTS ONLY

By clicking 'I Agree' below, you agree that you have read and agree with the terms of the waiver and that the information you provided is accurate. You furthermore agree that your submission of this form, via the 'I Agree' button, shall constitute the execution of this document in exactly the same manner as if you had signed, by hand, a paper version of this agreement.