The following SIX AGREEMENTS pertain to participation at or for Recreations Outlet, LLC and their respective officers, owners, employees, volunteers, subcontractors, tenants and other agents, hereafter collectively referred to as Recreations Outlet.
1. CONSENT TO PARTICIPATE FOR MINORS As the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of the child(ren) named herein, I hereby consent to their participation in any and all programs at or for Recreations Outlet.
2. PERPETUAL PROMISE NOT-TO-SUE In consideration for my child(ren)'s or my participation at or for Recreations Outlet I hereby, for myself and/or my child(ren) and our respective heirs and successors, PROMISE NOT-TO-SUE and FOREVER RELEASE Recreations Outlet from all liability resulting from damages or injuries incurred as a result of visiting or participating at or for Recreations Outlet. This includes acts of ordinary negligence. I understand that this PERPETUAL PROMISE NOT-TO-SUE will apply to EACH AND EVERY OCCASION that my child(ren) or I visit or participate at or for Kids First and that this promise remains in force until I revoke it in writing.
3. ASSUMPTION OF RISK I acknowledge that there are INHERENT RISKS in visiting or participating at or for Recreations Outlet: Activities involving height, motion or inversion including but not limited to gymnastics, tumbling, trampoline, cheerleading, ninja, parkour, martial arts, dance, swimming, diving, fencing and ball sports can result in severe injury, paralysis or death; Activities in or around water can result in brain damage or drowning; Transportation to field trips, competitions or other events can result in vehicle crashes with deadly or fatal consequences; Bacteria, fungi, viruses and other microbes are omnipresent and can cause diseases including but not limited to COVID, MRSA, SARS and INFLUENZA and such diseases may result in illness, disfigurement, permanent disability or death. I acknowledge that the aforementioned risks may result from the actions, omissions, or negligence of myself or others, including, but not limited to, Recreations Outlet employees, volunteers, officers, board members, owners, agents as well as participants and visitors and I HERBY VOLUNTARILY AGREE TO ASSUME ALL RISKS AND ACCEPT SOLE RESPONSIBILITY for any injury, illness, disfigurement, disability or death to my child(ren) or myself in connection with my child(ren)'s or my visiting or participation at or Recreations Outlet.
4. SUPERVISION OF MINORS BEFORE AND AFTER SCHEDULED ACTIVITIES I acknowledge that Recreations Outlet is not equipped to supervise my child(ren) before or after their scheduled activity and I agree that I or another authorized adult will be onsite to supervise my child(ren) before and after their scheduled activity.
5. MEDICAL AUTHORIZATION AND INDEMNIFICATION FOR POSSIBLE FUTURE MEDICAL EXPENSES. In the event of a medical emergency I authorize that my child(ren) and/or I be transported to a medical facility for treatment and I hold Recreations Outlet harmless in the execution of such. Additionally, I hereby agree to individually pay for all possible future medical expenses which may be incurred by my child(ren) or me as a result of any injury sustained while visiting or participating at or for Recreations Outlet.
6. PHOTO AND VIDEO RELEASE.I grant my permission to Recreations Outlet to use my children(s) or my image, likeness or sound of voice in publications, social media and other media used by, produced by or contracted by Recreations Outlet. I understand I will not receive payment or other compensation for the use of any image or recording.