Registering for Ikesilachi Birthday - 02/23/2025 1:30 PM-3:30 PM Change

I, [FIRST NAME] [LAST NAME] on my own behalf, and on behalf of my child(ren) or minor(s) and our respective heirs, administrators, executors, and successors, hereby acknowledge the risks associated with the activities provided by and performed at Playology Kids LLC d/b/a Playology, including but not limited to, bruising, contusions, muscle or soft tissue strains, sprains and tears, broken bones and severe injuries including paralysis or death, as well as medical expenses and damages that may result or be associated with such activities, and that I have voluntarily agreed to participate in the same. Therefore, I assume all risks associated with my voluntary participation at Playology. If I observe any unusual or significant hazard during my presence or participation, I will remove myself from participation and bring such to the attention of the nearest employee immediately; and I, as parent/guardian, with legal responsibility for any minor participant, have read and explained the provisions in this waiver/release to my child(ren) including the risks of presence and participation and his/her personal responsibilities for adhering to the rules and regulations which include but are not limited to; no hitting, kicking, jumping, biting or horse play. If I or the minor(s) should incur any such injury or loss, I, for myself and/or on behalf of my spouse, and minor child(ren) as well as on behalf of my heirs, assignees, personal representatives, and next of kin, HEREBY RELEASE AND HOLD HARMLESS Playology Kids LLC, its officers, officials, agents, and/or employees, other participants, instructors, sponsoring agencies, sponsors, advertisers, owners, parent companies, affiliated entities and lessors of premises even if such injuries are caused by the negligence of such persons/organizations referenced herein., to the fullest extent permitted by law.


Initial Here

The undersigned further agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Playology and all parties identified above, from any liability arising out of negligent or intentional conduct of child(ren), parents, family members or parties invited upon the premises by myself, my child(ren) or minor(s) or any family members which results in loss, injury or damage to any other party. Minor’s Release Authorization: Without compensation to me or the minor(s) listed above, I hereby grant to Playology Kids, LLC, the absolute right and permission to copyright, publish, and use photographic portraits, pictures, or videos of me or the minor for use through reasonable promotion of the facility and related events. I hereby waive any right that I or the minor(s) may have to inspect or approve the finished media material if the matter is within reason and is not deemed to be socially inappropriate for use of a minor.


Medical Release: I hereby authorize and give my consent to Playology Kids LLC, including any of its instructors, volunteers, representatives or other authorized employees to provide emergency medical care and to give authority to any emergency unit, hospital or doctor to render immediate aid as might be required for the treatment of the below named child/children in the event of any emergency occurring on the premises of Playology.

Verification and Release: As legal parent, guardian or responsible party of the below minor(s), I hereby verify by my electronic signature below, that I accept the conditions of the waiver, release and indemnification; and furthermore, I permit my child to participate in the activities and events provided by Playology Kids, LLC. By electronically signing this Release and Waiver, I acknowledge that I have read and fully understand the terms contained herein.

Covid Liability Release: I hereby acknowledge and understand the risks associated with COVID-19. I am aware that COVID-19 is a highly contagious and potentially severe illness caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. I understand that participating in activities, using facilities, or receiving services provided by Playology may expose me to the risk of contracting COVID-19. I voluntarily assume all risks related to COVID-19, including the risk of exposure, infection, and its potentially severe consequences. I understand that despite Playology's efforts to mitigate the risk of COVID-19 transmission, it is not possible to completely eliminate the risk of exposure. By signing this Liability Waiver, I confirm that I am not currently experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, have not been in close contact with someone diagnosed with OR suspected of having COVID-19, and have not tested positive for COVID-19 within the last 14 days before signing this waiver.


Safety Guidelines: In order to provide the safest experience possible, Playology has a set of guidelines to keep you and others safe while visiting.

  • Adult caregiver is fully responsible for minor at all times.
  • Children are not to be left unattended under any circumstance.
  • No weapons of any kind are allowed on the premises.
  • All participants will be courteous and respectful to staff and each other.

I understand that this waiver will remain in effect indefinitely unless revoked in writing. My signature below indicates that I have read, understood, and voluntarily agreed to the terms of this Liability Waiver.

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Who will be participating?

Adult  Adult and Children  

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By clicking 'I Agree' below, you agree that you have read and agree with the terms of the waiver and that the information you provided is accurate. You furthermore agree that your submission of this form, via the 'I Agree' button, shall constitute the execution of this document in exactly the same manner as if you had signed, by hand, a paper version of this agreement.