I, THE NAMED PARTICIPANT, have voluntarily applied to participate in activities on Faulkner Skate mini-ramp and other activities located within Faulkner Skate Shop. I understand that the act of skating and other allowed activities involves risk of injury to me and other people including but not limited to physical or mental damage, permanent or temporary paralysis, death, disability, illness or disease, as well as damage to my personal equipment and property. These risks are entirely my responsibility and I knowingly and expressly assume all risks as mentioned above.
I understand that Faulkner Skate Shop assumes no liability for loss, damage or any kind of injury sustained by myself or my property while engaging in activities at Faulkner Skate Shop, including but not limited to the mini-ramp. I therefore assume all risks while riding the mini-ramp or skating in the shop.
By signing this release of liability, I hereby fully and forever release and discharge Faulkner Skate Shop and their employees, contractors and agents from any and all claims, damages, demands, rights of action, or causes of action whether they be known or unknown, anticipated or unanticipated, any and all negligent acts or omissions resulting from or arising out of my use or intended use of Faulkner Skate Shop premises or equipment. I intend to be fully and legally bound by this release.
By signing this I attest that I have read, understand and agree to the terms listed herein.
Faulkner Skate Shop Rules and Guidelines
- Users must have on file a copy of waiver or release. Failure to have a signed waiver form will result in you being restricted from use of mini-ramp and riding your skate gear while on the shop premises. If you are under 18 years of age, your parent or legal guardian must sign this form on your behalf.
- Faulkner Skate Shop, by law cannot be held liable for any injury sustained by a user while engaging in skating activities on the premises. Any user of this facility acknowledges and assume the risk of injury or death.
- Parents or legal guardians are responsible for their children under 18 years of age and must be independent, mature, respectful and capable skaters if left unattended at the shop. If any incident arises while they are here, they will be asked to leave.
- There are video games available to play while at the shop. Please be courteous and take turns if others are waiting and you have had ample time to play. Failure to do so will result in restrictions of your video game access.
- Food and drink is allowed on the premises, just not on or near the mini-ramp or merchandise. Please be careful and respectful if you bring food and/or drink in with you.
- All riders under 18 must wear a properly fitted helmet at all times while engaged in skating activities on the premises, Safety gear is strongly encouraged for all ages. Failure to adhere to this rule will result in you being asked to stop skating for the remainder of your time on the premises.
- No horseplay, violence or profane language is allowed. Rude and aggressive behavior toward others will not be tolerated and you will be asked to leave the premises.
- Participant grants Faulkner Skate Shop permission to use participant's name, images or videos, recordings, or other similar visual or auditory media created for any reasonable business purpose in connection with Faulkner Skate Shop. If participant does not request for this clause to be waived, it is assumed that permission is granted.