Camp Critter Authorization and Release Waiver


 In consideration of being permitted onto the premises of the Animal Rescue League of New Hampshire (ARLNH) located at 545 Route 101 Bedford. NH, for any purpose, including but, not limited to, adoption or consideration of adoption, of any of the animals at the ARLNH, and without regard to how or why I enter the ARLNH’s premises, I, on behalf of myself, my minor children, (and other family members if applicable) listed on this Release and Waiver of Liability, hereby:

1.)    Acknowledge that I have:

         (a)    read and understood this Release and Waiver of Liability;

         (b)    had the opportunity to review or seek information about the ARLNH’s animals  and the ARLNH’s operations of all types;

         (c)    understood that the ARLNH’s facilities include its parking lots and grounds, as well as any other property, real or personal, over which the ARLNH  exercises control for any period of time;

         (d)   accepted the facilities, equipment, programs, services, and the visitation and animal adoption process of the ARLNH as safe and reasonably suited for the purposes for which they are intended to be used; and

         (e)    signed this Waiver and Release of Liability knowingly, voluntarily, and (if applicable) with authority to bind the minor children, family members, wards or other third parties who may be listed hereinafter, on this Release and Waiver of Liability (hereinafter the “third parties”).

2.)    I understand that the ARLNH is a facility that furnishes animals, and that such animals are placed with the ARLNH for a variety of reasons, and some such reasons result in animals that are unhealthy, not well-adjusted and/or potentially dangerous.  I understand that entering the ARLNH to adopt, consider adopting, or to do any other task carries with it risks, including the risk of injury and death. I have carefully considered the risks of all activities that I, or the third parties listed on this form, may undertake at the ARLNH , such as petting, interacting with, and walking animals.  Nevertheless, I and anybody on behalf of whom I am signing, have decided to enter into this Waiver and Release of Liability notwithstanding such risks.

3.)    I specifically intend to release the ARLNH, its directors, officers, employees, agents, volunteers, insurers and other related persons and entities (collectively the “ARLNH Releasees”) from all liability to me, my minor children, and other third parties listed on this Waiver and Release of Liability whether caused by the negligence of the ARLNH Releasees or any other person, and while I or the third parties are in, upon or about any of the ARLNH  facilities or property.  Specifically, I acknowledge that any interaction with animals carries with it risk, and that by signing this Waiver and Release of Liability I am agreeing to accept these risks on my own behalf and on behalf of any other individual for whom I have signed this Waiver and Release of Liability.

4.)    On behalf of myself and the third parties, I agree not to sue the ARLNH  or any of the ARLNH  Releasees for any loss, liability, damage, injury, death, or cost that I/we may suffer, experience or incur, due to our/my presence in, upon or about any of the ARLNH  facilities, any animal therein, any equipment therein, or our participation in any activity or service affiliated with the ARLNH , whether caused by the negligence of the ARLNH  Releasees or by any other person. I specifically agree to indemnify and hold harmless the ARLNH  and the ARLNH Releasees for any judgment, costs, liability (including reasonable attorneys’ fees), damage, injury, death or any other cost resulting from any claim, suit, or proceeding brought by, or on behalf of, me, or the third parties.

5.)    On behalf of myself, and the third parties, I agree to waive any liability arising out of any infectious, pathogenic, toxic or other harmful properties of any pathogen, which includes, but is not limited to, viruses, bacteria or other pathogens whether or not a microorganism, regardless of whether such pathogen is the result of an outbreak, pandemic, or unknown cause, as long as the the ARLNH  Releasees have implemented minimum standards imposed by applicable public health agencies.

6.)    I am aware that the law allows for certain claims for injuries caused by animals that do not exist for other types of injuries.  This includes, for example, liability imposed by N.H. Rev. Stat.  Ann.  § 466:19 relating to dog bites.  I acknowledge that by signing this release, I am giving up all claims of any sort, including such statutory claims, on my own behalf and on behalf of whomever I may be signing this document.

I intend for this Release and Waiver of Liability to be as broad and inclusive as is permitted by the laws of the United States and the State of New Hampshire. If any portion hereof is held to be invalid I agree that the balance shall remain in full force and effect.

This Release applies to all present and future visits to the ARLNH. 


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By clicking 'I Agree' below, you agree that you have read and agree with the terms of the waiver and that the information you provided is accurate. You furthermore agree that your submission of this form, via the 'I Agree' button, shall constitute the execution of this document in exactly the same manner as if you had signed, by hand, a paper version of this agreement.